Cleanweb Berlin is a monthly meetup
for web and sustainability professionals in Berlin
RSVP #16 Tue, Nov 22 2016

Boston Consulting Group Digital Ventures

Cleanweb Hardware

This month, we’re exploring how folks are making planet friendly services that use connected products, and the impact of IoT on the world of environmental sustainability.

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    Philipp Mahr

    About 18 months ago, we met Hyko, an IoT-enabled toy polar bear, designed to get parents to save energy round the home. Philipp tells us about Hyko’s journey, since meeting a co-founder at one of our first events back in 2014, and the trade-offs manufacturing in both Germany and the Far East.

  • Picture of TBC



View on #15 Tue, Oct 25 2016

Boston Consulting Group Digital Ventures

Cleanweb Design

This month we’re going to be exploring the intersection between design and sustainability and ask: what is happening in the worlds of UX and design that can help?

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    Tim Frick Steps you can take today to make greener digital products

    Fresh from finishing his book Designing For Sustainability, author and Mightbyte founder Tim Frick will outline why you might care about the impact of the digital products you use, and what you can do to use and design greener services.

    Tim Frick is Principal of Mightybytes, author of four books and a speaker. He is passionate about B Corporations and sits on the board of Climate Ride
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    Coup Building A Coup

    The lovely folks from @joincoup share their story prototyping a zero emission scooter service for Germany’s capital city, and the service design considerations of scaling a mobility start-up across a country.


Big thanks to BCGDV for stumping up the drinks and food on the night!

Submit A Talk Next Upcoming Events

Cleanweb Berlin meetups happen roughly month (except during our summer and winter breaks), usually on the third Tuesday of the month. The next Cleanweb Berlin meetups are scheduled for:

  • #15 Tue, Oct 25 2016
  • #16 Tue, Nov 22 2016

We are always looking for interesting topics and new perspectives. If you are interested in speaking at Cleanweb Berlin, you are welcome to submit a talk.