Cleanweb Berlin is a monthly meetup
for web and sustainability professionals in Berlin
#09 Wed, Mar 25

Baumhaus Berlin

Cleanweb Meetup 9: Smart City Grids

Hey Cleanwebbers,

This time round, its the first part of our smart cities series of events. We will kick this off by looking at how energy production and consumption in a ‘smart city’ can look like.

So, why should you get energy from a power plant kilometers away, when your neighbour generates more energy with his roof-top solar, CHP or heat pump than he can use?

  • 6:30 Doors open

  • 7:00 Welcome and introductions

  • 7:10 1st Speaker: Micro girds in urban and industrial environment

    We’re lucky enough to have environmental economist Christian Huder speaking about his work on  micro grids.

  • 7:35 Lightning Talks

    Short, fun talks about tech and sustainability. 3-5 mins each.

    We’re still looking for speakers, and have two slots going! Curious about giving a talk? Check our speaker’s page here

  • 7:45 Break for drinks and networking

  • 8:10 Community announcements

  • 8:15 Fishbowl

After the talks, we’ll be opening the conversation to the room, with a fishbowl discussion. A fishbowl is like a panel discussion, but open for anyone in the audience to join the stage, to make the most of the knowledge in the room.

We will go to a nearby bar afterwards.

What should I expect from this meetup?

Expert talks, open discussions, inspiring people and drinks. 

Looking forward to meet you in person!

P.S.: Like us on facebook or share our facebook event.